How to Secure the Computer Network in Business | Total Security

It is generally believed that computer attacks that target large companies are very complex and highly sophisticated.

In fact, the biggest cybersecurity threat to these companies comes from their own employees.

Secure Computer Network_Total Security

The numbers speak for themselves: The top 4 causes of data breaches are due to human error or process error.

Today, in an era where cyber-attacks are more and more sophisticated, it is more than necessary for every company to educate and train its employees.

Here are some tips for businesses to secure their computer network and educate employees.

1- Update Cybersecurity Policies and Procedures and Educate Employees

The very first thing to do to protect a company's data is to write an IT charter that is easy to understand and apply by all employees, containing the IT policy and procedures to be followed in matters of cybersecurity.

This IT charter must be updated regularly and explained to employees with concrete examples because for some, the policies and procedures can be complex or confusing.

Which brings us to the need for companies to ensure that all employees understand the security policy. For this, regular cybersecurity training must be organized: show employees how the company is protected. This will ensure the development of a culture of cybersecurity at all levels of the company.

2- Control the Company's Internet Access

Each company's internet access point is a potentially dangerous passage that a hacker can take to gain access to the computer system. Even if it is difficult today to prohibit employees from surfing the web, it is important to monitor it, to limit certain accesses with a firewall, and to favor a virtual private network (VPN) with an Internet exit. single secure at the heart of the network. From a legal point of view, the employer has a duty to filter sites related to application piracy, illegal download link exchanges, and pornographic sites.

3- Control Wi-Fi Access

Each terminal must be secure and closely monitored

4- Make Backups on Servers Outside the Company

In the event of an IT system failure, the company must be able to restore its data to maintain its business. It is the most effective protection against “ransomware” attacks: the company will be able to continue its activity by recovering its data stored outside the company.

5- Watch Out for Personal Cloud Applications

More and more frequently, employees tend to use their personal cloud to host their work data. This poses a real security problem because companies have no means of control nor any means of knowing what his employee is depositing there and if he does not place this information in public access. The company has no guarantee that its data will be kept confidential. Employees must be made aware of the risks incurred by the company.

6- Be Ready to Face a Computer Attack.

Don't ask yourself if you are going to be attacked, but rather when! Large botnet networks roam the internet day and night to infest poorly secured servers without the knowledge of their owners. There is only one solution to repel them: install anti-intrusion devices on all internet accesses and keep them up to date!

7- Keep It Equipment Up to Date and Standardize It

It is not possible to secure a computer park if each PC has a different OS or different security software. After having carried out an inventory, it is essential to standardize the OS, the security parameters, and their protection software. Local firewalls and antivirus like total security are essential for all workstations. Outsourcing your servers and their management allows you to entrust these positions to people whose job it is without investing in hiring different technical profiles to guarantee the security and availability of your computer system.

8- Empower and Train Company Staff

The human element remains the weak link in a company's IT security. Hackers know it and abuse it: “president scam”, “fishing”, simplistic passwords used on all accounts… the attacks are numerous, inventive, and often conveyed by the employees themselves!

A- Emphasize the Importance of Password Management

Did you know that 31% of IT decision-makers require employees to change their passwords every month, or that 25% of employees use the same password for every business system they have access to?

Clearly, password management is a major cybersecurity challenge for businesses. Companies need to implement more advanced password management tools - multi-factor authentication or even PKI authentication - but also reward employees who follow the password procedures outlined in their cybersecurity policies.

At the same time, employees also need to take responsibility for the process - and that starts with the company's senior members and senior managers explaining the importance of this process to the rest of the employees. Providing real-life examples like identity theft and data theft, for example, can help convince employees.

B- Help Its Employees Recognize Phishing

Today, cybercriminals prey on individuals and target endpoints (such as cell phones and laptops) to gain access to a company's larger network.

It is imperative to educate employees to recognize a phishing attack, especially if they have a laptop or a company phone such as:

  • Know how to detect a fraudulent email address. Businesses need to have a process in place to spot unknown senders and block known fraudulent emails. If employees discover an unauthorized email address, they should report it to their IT department before continuing.
  • Greetings that are too impersonal in the e-mail, such as "sir", "madam", "dear customer", "employee"
  • Rough grammar and style: Many phishing attacks come from other countries. These emails are therefore often written by non-French speakers. If an email is from a reputable brand or company but has spelling and grammatical errors, it is probably a scam.
  • Hover over the destination link before clicking on it.
  • Beware of call-to-action emails requiring immediate action or response
  • Don't trust images and logos. They can easily be downloaded and replicated.

Regular cybersecurity training and the review of policies and procedures will help create a culture of cybersecurity within the company. As employees become aware of it, they will go through the process in everything they do - and teach new employees the same. It is often only a question of habit, of reflex to take!
