Do You Want to Know What Are the Most Common Types of Computer Threats?

10 Cyber Threats in the Spotlight

Attacks on computer equipment have increased in recent months. Open networks, public Wi-Fi, remote connections, Internet of things (IoT), proximity payments, cloud computing ... The list and types of computer threats that put security at risk are long. Cybercrime is a real problem.

10 Cyber Threats

Knowing the dangers to the integrity of sensitive business data is the first step to ensuring its protection.

Types of Computer Threats You Need to Know

16.7 million consumers experienced identity theft in 2017 ( JavelinStrategy ), but there is much room for improvement as, according to a 2018 study by Juniper Research, cybercriminals will hijack about 33 billion records in 2023.

The Ponemon Institute for IBM study of the cost of a data breach in 2018 reveals that the average cost of a data breach to companies worldwide is $ 3.86 million and the average time it takes to identify a breach data breach is 196 days.

The first step to avoid the consequences of these attacks is to know the types of computer threats that exist. They are as follows:

  • Spam. Spam is one of the most popular security threats. Many people are affected each year by spam that misrepresents their information by tricking the user into following some of the links it contains.
  • Farming. It aims to convince the user to visit a malicious and illegitimate website by redirecting the legitimate URL. Once inside, the goal of cybercriminals is to get the user to give them their personal information.
  • Phishing. Unfortunately, it is one of the easiest types of computer threats to execute. It consists of sending fake emails or messages that look like emails sent by legitimate companies. Thus, the user is made to think that it is a legitimate company and the chances that personal and financial information will be shared increase.
  • Ransomware. "Wannacry" and "Petya" are examples of the dangerous potential of this threat. Hackers sneak into their victims' computers and restrict access to their system and files. They then request payment in exchange for retrieving control of their data.
  • Computer Worm. This is a very common security threat. A worm works alone lives in the computer and spreads by sending itself to others.
  • Spyware / Trojan Horse. A Trojan horse is a malicious program that looks like legitimate software. While it is installed on the user's computer, it runs automatically and spies on their system or deletes their files.
  • Distributed Denial of Service Attack. (DDoS)The attacking approach is to contact a particular website or server over and over again. Increase the volume of traffic and crash the website/server. The malicious user generally uses a zombie computer network.
  • Zombie Team Network. This is a way of performing various security threats. The malicious user takes the administration of multiple computers and controls them remotely.
  • Malware. This is the common name given to various security threats that infiltrate and damage a computer.
  • Virus. A virus is always hidden in a legitimate software or website and infects the affected computer and can spread all those that are in your contact list.

The types of computer threats increase every day putting security in check. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself against most of them, such as endpoint security software. Caution is the best strategy.
