10 Ways to Keep Your Information Safe | Antivirus Software

The security of your data may be at risk. Do you know how to protect yourself?

In modern days, we are all constantly connected to the internet. Whether checking social networks, reading emails, talking to friends, or shopping. Currently, we spend a large part of our day clinging to a screen, whether it be the computer or the cell phone. But with so much to do, and sometimes in so little time, how much attention do we really pay to the security of our data, while using all these platforms?

Millions of euros are spent annually on the development of antivirus software, however, the theft of private accounts such as e-mail, still represents an unfortunate reality for any internet user.

In these situations, it is always worth standing back and remembering the basics of information security, both on the computer and on the internet, as there are certain risks that as users expose us and that we can certainly avoid.

Keep Your Information Safe

Here are 10 ways to protect your computer and keep your data safe:

1. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Whether sitting in the cafe, or on the train while traveling, it is always important to pay attention to those around you, especially if you are using more personal information. While in public places, avoid viewing things that you would prefer others not to have access to, such as personal emails or more sensitive documents. If you need to do some work while traveling to the office, or while waiting at the cafe, consider purchasing accessories for your monitor, such as privacy filters. The opaque black color of these filters allows covering more sensitive information so that you do not have to worry about the eyes of others.

2. Never Open Emails From Unknown Sources

Hackers are getting smarter, which is why we must always be alert, even when we perform simple tasks like reading the email. Even if you are a busy person, it is crucial to always pay attention to the sender, and if it is a genuine source. For this reason, avoid opening documents sent through accounts that are unaware of authenticity. If you are suspicious, you can easily forward any email, suppose it is from the bank, back to the bank to request an authenticity check, this will keep your email safe.

3. Protect Information With a Password

One of the simplest information security rules you can have on your electronic device is to create a secure password to protect important data. It is recommended to use different characters, along with numbers and a variety of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Try to use different passwords in different accounts and avoid using dear names and places that would be easy to guess. If this sounds exhaustive in any way, there are several tutorials suggesting ways to create a safe and strong password.

4. Install Antivirus Software

Has antivirus software always installed and updated on your equipment, this software will not only protect you from emails that may contain some type of virus, but also from internet pages that may be corrupt? After all, make sure that you do not store any personal information on computers that are available to the public.

5. Perform Backups Frequently

Another way to protect information is to keep a copy of the files - a backup. This way, if you are a victim of theft, or if for some reason you lose information on your computer or laptop, you will always have a copy of the lost documents. Remember to make these copies regularly. Alternatively, keep your computer up to date.

An external disk is an excellent device for keeping copies of your documents, providing another level of security when using software that restricts the use of the disk exclusively to you.

6. Install Updates

It can be somewhat irritating to receive constant messages on your computer asking you to perform updates, however, this type of update is usually crucial to keep your information safe. The latest version of its software allows the computer to be protected against a number of threats that can exist while surfing the internet.

7. Attention to the Use of Public Internet

It is already part of our nature to connect to the internet when we arrive at a public place with access, from restaurants, cafes, or shops. All of these sites can pose a risk to your more personal information. Hackers are able to connect between your device and the access point, which means that all information that your device will send will pass directly through the hacker. This is a high risk for people who work remotely, or who travel constantly. If it is then the case to use public Wi-Fi frequently, there are several ways to keep your information safe.

8. Use a VPN

If you frequently use public Wi-Fi, using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a good way to protect you, as it will act as a shield, preventing direct access to your device. So you can access different types of networks while traveling, and you can also securely access shared files. The use of a VPN is usually a service that you need to subscribe to, but there are several already available for public use that guarantees your digital security.

9. Keeping Up With the News

An excellent way to keep you alert is to stay up to date on the latest developments in the telecommunications and electronic devices industry. Having knowledge of what is “on the loose” will let you know how it can be affected, and in what ways it can attack your computer, operating system, or other types of software. With the advancement of technology, hackers evolve in the same way. So keep track of the latest schemes used to avoid falling into a trap.

10. Keep Physical Copies

If you already have your work saved and a copy on your hard drive, another way to ensure that you don't lose your information is to keep physical copies of documents in a file or desk drawer. Make a copy of only what is strictly necessary, as not everything needs to be printed.

With so many possible threats in the online world, it is always important for a person to stay protected, in order not to lose their personal information. It is important to be aware of what could threaten the security of your data and to know how to protect your computer from the dangers of the internet.
